In vino veritas?

An incresing share of wine on the world market is counterfeit. The best and most precious wines are especially affected. This is a severe issue for wine makers and wine lovers alike.

A world-class solution for world-class wine

The Securovin label is tailor-made for precious wines and ensures an unparalleled level of security against counterfeit. The label stretches over the capsule and the wine bottle itself. It is not removable and not copiable. Wine lovers can check the authenticity of each wine bottle with an NFC-enabled smartphone, running the easy-to-use and free-of-charge Securovin app. All information necessary to authenticate the wine is secretly stored within the Securovin label.  

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How it works


In the winery, the encrypted Securovin labels are being applied to the bottles. The wine is now tamper-proof.


Open the Securovin app with your NFC-enabled smartphone and tap it against the lower part of the Securovin label.


The authenticity of the wine bottle is then verified, using the Securovin wine bottle verification system.

Learn more about the wine bottle verification system in our animation


Domaine Méo-Camuzet

Securovin is proud to offer our anti-counterfeit solution to one of the leading wineries in the world, the Domaine Méo-Camuzet from Burgundy.

The first bottles to carry the Securovin label are from the 2018 vintage, made from the famous Richebourg and Cros-Parantoux vineyards respectively. These are with no doubt some of the most sought-after wine bottles in the world - but only wine lovers, no longer for counterfeiters!

Further details are explained on the website of the Domaine Méo-Camuzet.

Behind Securovin


Owning a small vineyard myself - with 50 year old Riesling vines in the Franken region in Germany - I know that reaching for the highest quality and getting the full potential of the terroir into the bottle is the aim of any ambitious winemaker.

The idea that the precious content might not actually be in the bottle, but an outright fake instead, is disquieting. All the more so, as the issue of wine counterfeit is no longer a side issue, but has become relevant for many of the best winemakers around the globe.

At Securovin, the passion for wine meets the technological skillset necessary for a cutting-edge solution to effectively prevent wine counterfeit. We listened very carefully to the needs of some of the best winemakers - and tailored a product around their needs.

The Securovin system makes an end to wine counterfeit and gives back full control of the bottle content to the winemakers.

Benedikt Deuchert, Managing Director


As an aerospace engineer, I was trained to achieve the highest possible level of security at every component of a system.

We designed the Securovin system with this philosophy in mind at every step, which is why it offers unprecedented levels of security and comfort at every stage of the process, from application to the bottle to the verification process through the end-user.

We are very proud to offer this unique system with its many layers of anti-forging security features, and thereby supporting winemakers in bringing the finest product to the consumer.

Personally, I enjoy this mission very much. The dedication to our customers and our product in a challenging environment with a beverage product at heart which sparks passion around the world, drives my efforts and motivates me every day to achieve the best performance for our customers.

Philippe Petit, Chief Technology Officer


How do I get the Securovin app for my smartphone?

Our app is right now in development stage. Please contact us on to receive further information how to get your test version.

Is counterfeit of wine bottles an actual issue?

Unfortunately yes.
Wine counterfeiters have become more and more creative. Copying labels and corks is an issue, but also the re-filling of empty bottles and the change of labels from one wine to another. Also, wrongly stored bottles are often filled up to increase value on the market.
But no matter how creative the counterfeiter is - it is not possible to modify or copy a Securovin anti-counterfeit label. And with the Securovin label on, the capsule cannot be removed.

Why is Securovin a superior anti-counterfeit technology?

  •   The system uses AES-encryption for unparalleled security.
  •   Data retention is 50 years - this is relevant for Grand Crus.
  •   Also mechanical damage to the bottle (e.g. removal and re-attachment of the capsule) can be detected.

Can the Securovin system als be used for purposes other than counterfeit-protection?

The technology allows handling further data than needed to prohibit counterfeit. It is e.g. possible to provide additional background information on the wine. It is also possible to store customer specific data on the labels, and trace the whereabouts of single bottles.